File Management:File & dir. management ,transfer file on wifi, send file by mail, compress/uncompress, photo & media playBy stroft ( $2.99 )
Local file management: copy,cut,paste; create ,rename,delete, view, edit; open file with other application; send file with mail transfer files with HTTP/FTP photo management show photo automatically save photo to album, pickup photo from album; compress/uncompress file open file as follows: photo(bmp,jpg/jpeg,gif,png,tif) compress(7z,zip),uncompress(7z,zip,rar,tar,z,arj,lzh,iso,dmg,bz2,cab,rpm,msi,wim,hfs) book(pdf) video(mp4,mp3,mov) office file(doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx) pages(htm.html,js,css,xml) text(txt,text)